Creating a Responsive Cross-Browser Compatible Website
Cross browsers compatibility is a function of websites which ensures its web pages offer exceptional performance across the many different browsers out there. Even though the site will not look precisely similar or work the same when accessed via the various browsers, Web Design Warrington believes it will ensure a somewhat consistent user experience on the site and prevent losing potential customers who prefer to use a particular browser. Most web developers, therefore, will put measures in place during the web development process to ensure efficient functionality across the browsers and perform tests to verify if they work correctly. Some techniques used in making these websites compatible include;
Keeping website code simple
The code should be written in such a way that minimizes the quantity of the lines but maintains the quality of the website’s performance. Simple codes are more cross-browser friendly compared to their complex counterparts, which have unnecessary lines of code which can be excluded. Furthermore, it is easy to maintain simple code or adjust it in the event where some additional codes are needed to improve compatibility.
According to Web Design Warrington, Doctype also referred to as a document type declaration is a line of code utilized in the description of the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) used for the websites page. Considering that the various browsers have different rules and standards, it is mandatory to define this Doctype; otherwise, the search engines will make guesses on your behalf. This guesses will lead to the website being inconsistent depending on which browser is being used something all websites owners will be uncomfortable with.
Prepare for the differences
Considering there is a large number of browsers used all over the world, it is more or less impossible to make sure your browser appears the same when using these platforms for access. The developer should, therefore, not focus on making the appearance similar but ensure it is acceptable with all the required elements for access to all the required functions of the website.
Cross-Browser Testing
Despite knowing what is needed to make the website multi-browser friendly, Web Design Warrington disclosed that developers could accidentally write lines of code which are not compatible with one or a few browsers. It is therefore advisable to do tests which confirm that the websites work as intended on the various browsers. There are multiple tools which developers can use for testing such as the CrossBrowser Testing which gives access to more than a thousand browsers providing assurances of the compatibility level of the website.
CSS Frameworks
These frameworks will help the developer to with style code which will make compatibility with many browsers relatively easy. It becomes much easier and faster to build websites which are responsive once you become familiar with the various features of the CSS framework. The framework is also essential in ensuring the website is mobile friendly, which is vital considering the vast population, which uses mobile phones to access the various sites.
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