Drone Footage Warrington tips for smoother aerial footage

Professional drone pilots spend a considerable amount of time training and learning how to control the drone to capture the most exceptional footage. As with anything, it can take time to learn the tricks of the trade that can elevate your footage to the next level. Our Drone Footage Warrington team have trained to understand how to create smooth and sleek drone footage and we have shared some of our valuable tips and tricks below.

Take a moment before your capture Drone Footage Warrington and relax

Being in control of a drone can be nerve wracking and stressful. After all, you are in charge of expensive equipment. To ensure that your footage is smooth and showcases your subject effectively, our Drone Footage Warrington team recommend that you take the time to relax and calm your nerves. Take a few moments before the flight to chill out. Have a warm drink, talk a walk; whatever it is that helps you relax.

Drone Footage Warrington: Planning is key

Planning is everything when it comes to producing high-quality drone footage. As the saying goes; prior preparation prevents poor performance. Take a moment to ensure that your route is already planned and if necessary, you can do a practice run to guarantee that you are getting the most from your planned flight. Our Drone Footage Warrington team take the time to storyboard and plan every shot before they fly.

Drone Footage Warrington recommend that you hit record before you set off on your route

It can cause significant issue to the editor when they come to create a video and find that there isn’t enough usable footage. Our Drone Footage Warrington team recommend that you take a period of 10-15 seconds of recording before embarking on your planned flight path. Even if you only plan on using a few moments of the footage, our Drone Footage Warrington team suggest that these extra seconds of footage can help to guide you to the smoothest footage possible.

Repeat, repeat, repeat with Drone Footage Warrington

Repetition is your friend when you are trying to capture stunning aerial photography. To master drone flight and film, repetition and practice is the way to guarantee success. When you are filming for your company or video our Drone Footage Warrington team recommend that you take the time to repeat each sequence of your planned flight at least once. This is to ensure that you have plenty of takes to choose from to build your perfect footage. It also provides a back up if your original take isn’t up to scratch.


Capturing the perfect aerial footage is a skill that takes a long time to master. Drone pilots can train for years to hone their craft and get the most from their equipment. At Blue Whale Media our Drone Footage Warrington team have a wealth of experience and knowledge that allow us to capture and create amazing footage and promotional videos. For further information, please follow the link below.
