Different Ways To Market on Facebook

Facebook is known by billions of people around the world and also used by many companies to promote their product or service. The platform still remains to keep its concept as a place to meet friends but now it has developed into a venue for businesses to market their company to potential and existing customers. Whether you’re a big organisation or a small local business, Facebook offers something for everyone. Setting up a Facebook page for your business is great but now you need to start connecting with your audience and there are a few things you need to do first.


The first place to start is with promotional statuses. If you have a social media account, then you definitely need to be posting statuses to let people know that you’re still there and still selling! Promotional statuses allow you to get your message across to a wide variety of people at once. You can include what the service/product is, who it will benefit, what price it is and how to contact you or buy from. Preferably you want to be sending out at least 1 a day to all your social media accounts. Facebook is great for allowing you to personalise posts and make it your own to represent your branding.

Boosted Posts

Once you have created your statuses and published them, it’s now time to start boosting specific ones to allow them to reach an even bigger audience. Boosting a post is fully customisable and can be based on a variety of aspects including location, age, gender and interests. You can then decide on what budget you want to set the campaign. Depending on what you tailor the audience down to depends on how many people it will reach. You can boost each status individually and to different audiences each time.


Not only can you boost posts, but you can also create adverts for your page including a website advert, a page advert, a local advert and much more! You can use these to target specific people similar to the boosted posts. Adverts can again be tailored to your specific target audience and can reach a wide variety of people if created popularly.


Events are a great way to market things that your company are a part of or holding. You can fully sell the event by using banners, posts and descriptions. This works especially well if you are holding an event you want people to come to and also if you want people to recognise your company are taking part in charity events as this will build your viewing.

Blue Whale Media’s Facebook Marketing Services

Overall, Marketing is essential and Facebook can give you a lot of features to use to boost your marketing to the highest standard. Here at Blue Whale Media, we have a bunch of experts who have the best marketing qualifications to assist you in your Facebook journey. All you need to do is call our team on 01925 552050 to find out what we can do for you.

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