How to Use Social Media to Increase Brand Awareness
Every single successful brand is on social media because of the enormous benefits that they can have for brand awareness and growth in sales. So if every big brand is on social media, maybe you should be as well. In today’s blog, I’m going to be giving you a few tips on how to use social media to increase your brand awareness.
Choose the right platforms for your brand
Keeping up with all the social media platforms can be nearly impossible to do your self and time costing. The main goal of social media marketing is to find your customers and your potential audience, so you need to spend time on select social media platforms that your customers spend the most time on.
Limiting your social media accounts to selected platforms will help you manage your social media marketing.
Deliver Content and Engage With Audiences
Try not to share or repost the same message and content between platforms. It is so important to create content specific to the type of social media platform you are using. For example, Twitter is a place for short posts that are limited to 140 characters. When t comes to Facebook, you often see better engagement with longer posts that accompany photos or videos. With Instagram, it is all about the quality visuals and quick and witty captions.
Usually, attractive visuals have a good impact on social media, no matter the platform. Facebook posts with images have 2.3x higher engagement than those that don’t. 80% of marketers use visual assets in social media marketing.
The most common types of content are images (80%), videos (63%), blogs (60%), and live video (35%).
Mention Influencers, Partners, Customers, and More
Social media’s main aim is to build a good community, so dont be shy with your likes, comments, and shares on other peoples posts. Developing a culture of engagement on your profiles will encourage others to do the same. Using mentions is a great way to do this. Customers and followers love being mentioned on social media.
This is a quick and simple thing to do which rewards your audience by making them feel recognised and appreciated. Mentioning partner brands or influencers can also earn you favours with other accounts that aim to increase their following and expand their audience and yours.
Maintain relationships with your customers
Having good relationships are essential to growing your brand awareness and boosting your sales. When you engage with your customers on social media, you create an opportunity for their network to learn more about your brand. Other followers or visitors can also know more about your company and your professionalism by reading your responses to questions. If these responses are a good reflection of your company, they’ll help you build trust with your future customers.
Leverage Trends and Breaking News
If your marketing team can react quickly, your brand can leverage trends and breaking news to get discovered, entertain your audience, and encourage followers to share your posts. For example, just have a quick look at what Aldi and M&S have been doing to promote their caterpillar cakes.