Tips to Help You Determine Your Target Audience
Knowing who your target audience is a crucial. It can make or break your marketing strategy. Sometimes, the target audience is easy to determine for businesses like a web design company Manchester. With this business, the targets are CEOs, business owners, and directors. However, what about for other kinds of businesses? Here are some tips to help you know your target audience.
Products and Services
Your products and services play an important role in helping you in identifying your target audience. Who will use them? You must cater your products and services to a specific group of people. It does not matter how niche your market it; what’s important is that you have a market.
Knowledge in demographics is also crucial for determining your target audience. Knowing the specifics will help in choosing who will benefit the most from your business. It is important to consider:
● Age
● Gender
● Marital Status
● Work or occupation
● Income range
● Race or ethnicity
● Location
● Education level
You may also take into account your target audience’s personal characteristics like:
● Hobbies and interests: Does your target audience browse the internet or read magazines during free time? Do they go to shopping malls or arcades for fun?
● Lifestyle: What kind of media does your target audience use? Do they use the internet, newspapers, magazines, or through public events?
● Work behavior: What time does your target audience go to work? How often do they go online?
● Personality and attitude: What values do your target audience believe in?
Current customer profile
Assessment of your current customer profiles will also help you identify your target market. You can check the characteristics of the clients who have already purchased or inquired about your products and services. List the common traits or elements of your current client profile. It is more likely that your target audience will have similar characteristics from your previous customers. For example, for web design company Manchester, current customer profiles may include those companies that are expanding their businesses like restaurants. Target audience may include those who have similar characteristics like groceries and supermarkets.
Another cost-effective way to determine your target audience is by looking into your competition. Research and assess the profile of the customers that follow them and those that they target. An easy way to do this is through the use of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. For example, a web design company Manchester can look into the social media accounts of other web designers and research on the profile of their followers.
Knowing your target audience is important because marketing your business to the wrong audience will bring more harm than good to your business. Along the process, you can also perform a deeper study on your target’s profile. This will give you an edge from your competitors. Understanding your target audience better will also help you improve your products and services into something that will be more beneficial to your customers.
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