10 WordPress Trends To Watch Out For In 2021

After its creation in 2003, WordPress has had a vast amount of improvements. Upgrades, security and new additions, as well as the endless-growing amount of plug-ins and tools that are available for free. With the end of 2020 having come to a close, you may be curious as to what 2021 has in store for Wordpress users. Below are a number of trends being implemented, which you can use to make sure that your website is ahead of the competition.
A Focus On Accessibility
The importance of website and app accessibility for people with disabilities has come to the fore in 2020, and this trend is predicted to continue in 2021. Smart speakers with voice capabilities have dramatically improved access to online content, as has captioned media, simplified navigation, and increasingly accurate voice search technology. With the world relying more and more on the Internet and connected devices for work, school, entertainment, commerce, and social connections, the importance of maintaining and improving accessibility for people with disabilities is more profound now than ever before.
Video Backgrounds
As opposed to sliders and static images, an alternative to these methods are video background. This has been shown to increase the length of the average website session length, whilst also decreasing bounce rates. Video backgrounds are less resource-intensive as you may expect, as they tend to use compressed GIFs. In relation to this, video backgrounds are predicted to increase in usage in 2021 and beyond.
Minimalistic Themes
Themes with minimalistic design offer plenty of white space and flat graphics along with uncluttered navigation. Usability and mobile-friendliness are a focus with minimalistic themes, which have been popular throughout 2020 and are predicted to become the standard design method for 2021 and beyond.
Enhancements In E-Commerce
E-commerce has gone from browsing at the weekend to an essential in life during the year of 2020. With the event of global lockdowns, a dramatic rise in the necessity to do schooling and work from home, e-commerce has risen exponentially in 2020. Worldwide postage systems have been struggling with the demand and necessity of package deliveries, with the e-commerce boom showing now signs of slowing down. With electronic payment systems becoming increasingly used and improved in 2021 too.
Digital assistants and chatbots are becoming increasingly favored by companies, whether large or small as they offer 24-hour instant responses to questions. This allows customers to be heard and have their queries answered in real-time, without the need to spend a lot on training and hiring customer service assistants, chatbots have the ability to handle simultaneous requests at once. They can be refined and updates as new query types become asked more and more.
Thumb Scrolling Friendly Mobile User Experience
WordPress themes for mobile have been in high demand for many years and 2021 is predicted to become the year of thumb-scrolling friendly designs. This refers to the way that the majority of people tend to hold their mobile device. To optimize for this kind of movement, mobile wordpress themes have implemented a number of features including positioning icons towards the center of the screen as well as highly visible menu bars with the ability to reach with both thumbs in mind.
Premium WordPress themes will continue to separate professional and amateur ones from one another. Having an idea of what trends are becoming more and more used in 2021, you have the ability to be ahead of the competition and ensure that your website is ahead of the competition. Speak to a professional website design company in Manchester.