4 SEO Tips To Implement For The New Year
In the New Year spirit, many people are making their new year resolutions and thinking about how they can change things about themselves or their lifestyle. As a digital marketing agency, we know something that is always changing – apparently, it changes multiple times in a day. That thing is SEO – the world of SEO is constantly evolving, whether it be in small changes or big updates.
In this blog, we will be highlighting some actionable SEO tips you can implement for the new year!
1. Aim for Higher Quality Backlinks
Links are one of the most important factors for ranking higher in SERPs. The higher the quality of links, the better.
This is why you should not focus on quantity when it comes to linkbuilding. Instead, you should aim for quality and be more patient about it. Let’s put together a comprehensive list of backlinks strategies to help you with that:
- Guest posting: when you create content for someone else’s blog and get a backlink from them in return.
- Social media: sharing your content on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and getting likes and shares in return.
- Influencer marketing: reaching out to influencers with relevant audiences and asking them for a share.
- Link baiting: creating content which will naturally attract links from other bloggers or websites.
2. Overhaul Content to Adapt for Changes in Search
Google is constantly changing, and content creators need to be aware of this. With Google’s updates, it’s important to re-evaluate how you structure your content in order to stay relevant.
Google is constantly changing, updating and adding new algorithms in order to serve the best possible results to users. As a webmaster and/or content creator, it’s important to understand what these algorithms are looking for in order to maximise your search visibility. In 2021, the biggest change was the two Product Reviews Updates. These updates were brand new algorithms added to Google, which changed the way in which they ranked eCommerce websites – specifically affiliate eCommerce blogs. To sum them up, these updates were looking to reward product review blog posts which were high-quality: in that they were unique information, clearly showcased that the writer had actually used the product they were reviewing, and gave readers multiple marketplaces to buy the product.
This is just one example to highlight the importance for content creators to constantly be aware of what Google is looking for, otherwise you’ll find your website falling down the endless list of search results.
3. Perform an SEO Audit
You should have a professional Manchester SEO agency take a look at your website and perform a technical SEO audit. A website SEO audit will uncover the technical performance and issues within your website. It’s important to remember that not every website is trying to achieve the same goals, so the issues found in an audit should be categorised by priority depending on what the business is trying to get from their website.
A dedicated SEO consultant will be able to perform a full SEO audit of your website and then prioritise the key issues which will have the biggest impact on your SEO.
If you’re looking for a quick and free website audit, you can check our website audit page here.
4. Publish More Regularly
Publishing regular blogs will give your website greater opportunities to appear in the search results. That doesn’t mean you should just go crazy and start publishing 100 blogs every month, each piece of content should still be unique and valuable for both search engines and users.
Frequent publishing can attract more organic traffic in various ways, such as:
- Newer content is more likely to go viral and achieve more readership.
- Regularly publishing blogs shows your website is active to both users and search engines.
By publishing a lot of content about the same topic, you are showcasing that you/your brand/your website is an expert on the topic. This contributes towards your EAT – Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness.