Behind The Scenes Content On Social Media
Social media is constantly changing which is why it’s important to post a variety of content. In the modern day, a lot of users want to see different content that gives more than just sales information. People want to interact with the audience and the best way to do this is giving people some behind the scenes content. Show what your company is really like and involve your audience in what you get up to as a team.
The Benefits
There are many benefits to showing behind the scenes content. A huge advantage is that it adds a human side to your company. It allows people to get to know your team better and gives you a face behind the branding. Creating a more human approach will build a better relationship with customers which could lead to them trusting you more as a brand. In addition to this, it can be really fun for our company too. It allows you to capture moments that you want to remember and is perfect to show off your team and what they do in their day to day schedules.
Types of content
If you’re wanting to post more behind the scenes content, you need to think about what your company does and what sort of content you can post. Below are a few ideas that can be used by a variety of different sectors.
Company Events
Many companies will have regular events where the whole team will join in whether these are charity events, workshops, national day celebrations or team building exercises. These kinds of events are perfect to show your team enjoying themselves and allow your audience to see the fun side of your organisation. You could also incorporate the use of social stories when these kinds of events occur, by posting challenges and questions for your audience to answer.
In Action
An in action shot can be done by any organisation and this can really show your customers the work you do behind the scenes. This might be a quick walk through the office, showcasing the different teams and them working together or it might be someone carrying out a specific task within their daily tasks. Whatever you decide on, it’s good to have content like this as it can show customers the step by step process on what you do best.

When it comes to behind the scenes content, it tends to be a little bit more personal than your usual content. Don’t be put off by this as even if you’re trying to upkeep a professional image, a bit of personal content will showcase the heart of the company. You can do this in a number of ways including employee birthdays, new additions to the team, or pictures of the office pets.
Now you have the ideas for the behind the scenes content, it’s time to start posting them on your social media. Building a connection with your audience is key so now is the best time to start showing what your company is about. If you want to post on your social accounts but don’t have the time, why not get the help of our team here: https://www.bluewhalemedia.co.uk/marketing/social-media-marketing