The Best Tools for Content Writers
For your content to be discovered and enjoyed by an audience, you need to overcome certain obstacles. At Blue Whale Media, our content writers have put together everything you’ll need to create engaging content.
Research tools
The Internet gives you a lot of places where you can pick up the information you need, but you need a keen eye to tell which sources you can use. Google is a good way of researching content, keywords
and topics for blogs, our content writer at Blue Whale Media utilise google to see what topics come up when certain words are googled.
Another good way to research and seek content inspiration is from other companies within your industry that have a blog or useful content. This is also another way of setting your content apart from your competitors; by researching other content, yours can become stronger.
SEO is mostly driven by quality content these days and it probably goes without saying that without picking the right keywords to target with your content, your efforts will be squandered! This is why at Blue Whale Media, we use tools such as WordStream because for SEO to work keywords need to be correct and effective.
It’s easily accessible, well-respected, Keyword research tool is free and user-friendly.
Yoast WordPress Plugin
If you are writing content optimised for search engines, then there are many tools to help you effectively and efficiently. The Yoast WordPress plug-in will score your content efforts based on several factors and ensure you don’t forget any vital components of SEO. At Blue Whale Media, all our content writers are trained in Yoast and they all use Yoast when writing content for SEO purposes.
Grammar tools
Grammar is tricky at best and not everyone is a naturally talented writer. Most of us also don’t have the time to be combing through finished drafts looking for errors. At Blue Whale Media, we use Grammarly for basic grammar checking as well as consistent tone and passive voice checks. It is simple to use and can integrate across your apps, including emails, social media, Microsoft Word, collaboration apps like Slack, and even cloud apps like Google Docs
Once you find the right tools to help you out, you’ll find that you put out good quality content.
Google Docs
Google Docs is a handy tool, especially as it is connected to your Gmail account and emails. You can choose who to share your documents with, both inside and outside your organisation and you can also decide on their level of access to allow editing or comment only input. At Blue Whale Media, we use Google Docs for those exact reasons, it is so much more efficient when the work is being transferred between your workforce.
A thesaurus is the most important tool for any writer. It is essential for any writer who wanted to improve their content and understanding of the English Language. Our content writer uses a thesaurus hourly when writing because it provides you with the most trusted collection of over three million synonyms and antonyms. It also lets you filter the search results by their relevance, word length, and complexity.
With tools to help you with proofreading, Grammar, SEO tools and research tools, you can save a lot of time and improve the quality of your content.
Experimenting is the best way to find which tools will work best for you and improve your efficiency.