How To Boost Your PPC Marketing With Content
People buy people. No doubt many people, especially marketers, have heard this saying at least once in their lifetime. In simple terms, “people buy people” is just an illustration of relationship marketing – actually building a relationship with your potential customer, presenting yourself in a good manner etc. Today, this saying is still holds true, but in a slightly different manner. In 2022, we’re looking at:
“People buy brands.”
Not as catchy, I know, but it works very well for marketers. In this blog, I’ll be highlighting how you can sell your brand to consumers by combining PPC marketing with content marketing.
Maximise SERP Visibility
Firstly, PPC and content both allow your website to increase SERP visibility. As we know, PPC marketing allows you to put your page at the top of search results for a fee per click. Having great content on your page also allows it to rank organically. Ideally, you want your brand to show up at the top in both set of results. By having your brand appear at least twice in the search results, it subconsciously shows the user that your brand is the authority when it comes to their chosen search topic.
Target Mobile Users Who Can’t See Your Organic Page
Anyone searching Google on mobile will know how hidden the organic results are. Depending on the search term, you can find yourself scrolling past multiple paid ads, various map listings and even a knowledge panel before finally seeing the first organic result. If your business is reliant on mobile users for traffic (retail businesses especially) then you need to invest in PPC marketing to reach these users, even if you’re ranking #1 organically.
Remarket to low-intent leads
Content marketing is great for selling to people without actually selling anything. By providing useful resources such as how-to guides and product reviews, you can target people who have yet to decide whether they want to purchase your services/products yet – these are known as low-intent leads. By combining your content marketing with other forms such as social media or GoogleAds, you can put your business back in front of these people when they are further into the sales journey. This is known as remarketing. As you are already a familiar brand to these users, you are far more likely to convert them into paying customers.