Tips for Cleaning Up Your Website
With spring just around the corner, now is the perfect time to clean up your website. By getting rid of the clutter, you can move forward with a fast loading website that your audience will love.
As a Marketing Company Warrington, we know that a well-cared-for website will be smiled upon by search engines and bring more leads to your business. Your site needs to be one of the top results, for when website visitors go to your website, it has to make a good impression.
Here are some tips about how you can maintain and clean your website in no time:
Check Your Links
You’re probably already doing this because links come and go, but it is vital to check on all links again.
Our Marketing Company Warrington can tell you that a broken link equals a poor user experience.
Just as important as internal links, you need to make sure that external links are working. Update any that you think may have recently changed, or remove any that may be linking to a deleted page.
Check your Plugins and Themes
If you have had your website for some time, chances are high, you have accumulated many plugins and themes that are no longer used. Besides taking up space on your website’s server, many unused plugins and themes may be affecting the speed and performance of your website.
As a Marketing Company Warrington, we know that user experience is paramount to driving traffic to your website and retaining loyal followers. This would be a good first step to look into and uninstalling any plugins or themes on your website that you no longer use or need.
Make sure your plugins are still compatible with that latest version of the technology, and that there aren’t plugins that can be traded out for another.
Update Content from Your Site
We know as a Marketing Company Warrington that you’ve been avoiding this because it takes time, but this is a must. It doesn’t mean it wasn’t good at one time; it just might not be descriptive enough or relevant enough now.
Start reviewing and updating each page of content and ask yourself these questions as you read through it:
- Is this content going to inspire my visitor to take action?
- Does this content serve a purpose?
- Does this content educate or confuse the visitor?
Not only are you cleaning up your website, but you are making changes that can help drive more visitors.
Update Content Tags
Organizing your content with categories and tags ensures that website visitors can easily find content on a specific topic. It also ensures the correct content is populating if they click on a specific category or topic, making it as easy as possible for your website visitors to find the information they are looking for.
Check All Images on Your Site
Checking all your images can be tedious, but as a Marketing Company Warrington, we recommend taking the time to evaluate the images on your site and see if there are any that should be removed or updated.
Also, check your site for images or thumbnails that could use a brand refresh. If you’re already taking the time to update images, ensure you have alt text for images to add information to the content of the page.
While it is easy to avoid some of these maintenance tasks when others are piling up, as a Marketing Company Warrington, we also have to do maintenance on our site. However, taking time out of your day to complete some of the above tasks will ensure that you have a quality website over time.