What does Marketing Company Warrington think will be the top digital marketing trends of 2020?

An effective digital marketing scheme has several essential parts that work in tandem to create a plan that works for you and your business. From changing algorithms to new technology, digital marketing is an ever-evolving landscape and part of a digital marketers job is to navigate it successfully an take their company to success. By keeping your finger on the pulse, you can stay up 

to date with upcoming and relevant trends that present themselves. In 2020, our Marketing Company Warrington team expect to see a surge in new and exciting marketing trends.

An emphasis on voice search with Marketing Company Warrington

Statistics show that in 2020, approximately 50% of all searches and communications will be carried out via voice-activated search through applications such as Alexa, Echo and Siri. With such a distinct percentage, it is important for companies to edit their content to compliment voice search. Our Marketing Company Warrington team recommend that anyone looking to update their content to support voice search adds more long-tail keywords and phrases that better represent the manner in which people speak.

Chatbots are on the rise says Marketing Company Warrington

With the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, chatbots have managed to evolve to become more sophisticated when dealing with user requests. In 2019, AI became a trend to watch as it gained significant popularity. Our Marketing Company Warrington team feel that AI and chatbot software will be a huge trend in 2020 as it allows customer service to become faster, more efficient and economical.

Our Marketing Company Warrington team think that content will still be king

Google declares that content is king and this is not likely to change in 2020. Well produced and structured content shows your audience that you are experts in your field and industry. However, our Marketing Company Warrington team recommend that you place a particular focus on more interactive content, like video and quizzes. Effectively interacting with your viewers will be an essential element of digital marketing in 2020. Statistics show that 91% of all shoppers online are looking for more interactive content in 2020.

Our Marketing Company Warrington team predict that shoppable posts will gain traction in 2020

Research suggests that 60% of Instagram users discover new products through the platform and 70% of 4000 Pinterest users have admitted that they use Pinterest to find new products to invest in. Over the years, platforms have started to take notice and they have integrated shoppable links directly into posts and photographs. For online retailers, shoppable posts are a fantastic way to filter and drive valuable traffic to your website. Our Marketing Company Warrington team recommend that eCommerce sites invest in this strategy as it reduces the number of obstacles that a customer faces when purchasing a product and streamlines the purchasing process.


Our Marketing Company Warrington at Blue Whale Media predicts that 2020 will be an interesting year for digital marketing and businesses can look forward to capitalising on the lucrative new trends that will present themselves in the new year. For more information regarding our services, please follow the link below to contact a member of our team:
