Have the new GDPR Rules brought an end to Email Marketing?
It’s probably the biggest question to come out of the recent GDPR changes. With most companies now just avoiding email marketing altogether to prevent non-compliance, we are asking is that really the way to go or are these companies now missing out on an extensive advertising channel.
What the new Rules actually did
Ok so to clear up the myth you can still undertake email marketing. The only aspect of this that has changed is where you have obtained the data from. If you bought the data or have received this from any third party and not obtained direct consent from the owner of the email address, then you cannot use it. What this does mean though is that any information you have received from past, present or future customers where they have directly confirmed you are ok to get back in contact with them you can use.
Does this make email marketing pointless?
We have to admit it is limiting as you aren’t going to be able to introduce your business to potential new customers via email marketing. Is this such a bad thing though. The returns were always questionably low which is why Blue Whale Media Ltd never offered email marketing service until the new rules came in. Now at least you are email people who have an interest in your product/Service which should ensure a better return on investment.
Does Blue Whale Media undertake email marketing?
We sure do. We went the extra mile to ensure that our website was compliant with the new rules. In addition to this, we send out monthly emails to all customers to advise them of any offers for that month, future changing/updates and any other information they may need to know. For our potential customers who have consented to marketing we send out weekly offers, news and tips. We have found that our return on investment has been significantly higher than in previous campaigns.
Would we recommend email marketing?
In our professional opinions, any e-commerce website should be sending out a weekly offers email to all past, and potential customers. This can help achieve repeat business or remind people of the company. For service-based companies, we would recommend making one specific offer a month which only goes out if you have consented to the email marketing. This will increase your sign-ups as people won’t want to miss the offer.
The conclusion is the end of email marketing upon us
We don’t think so. It will make companies more selective with the type of email marketing they do. But again, in our opinion, this can only be a good thing as most people divert unwanted emails straight to junk anyway. We actually think the changes will be good for email marketing. In past years there has been such a negative thought process with the service as many just thought of it as spam, but now people will only receive emails they actually want which should remove the negative connotation around it.
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