How much content should you include on your website and pages?

How Much Content Does My Website Need?

If you are reading this write-up, you understand the importance of content marketing and SEO for your website. Improved website’s content increases the visibility on the various search engine result pages, thus allowing you to draw more potential prospects. Undoubtedly, optimised content attracts more traffic to your website, but an essential question worth asking is how much content does my website need? If you want to know the answer by our web design company in Chester, then continue reading this article.

How much content do you need to rank in search engines?

Concerned analyses on SEO ranking have found that organically ranked-well websites usually tend to have a significant amount of text-based content. This finding draws form a review conducted on more than fifteen thousand company websites. For a business website, you should link every service or product you offered to a landing page. Besides, you can include Frequently Asked Questions, where you can answer any questions your potential prospects might have.

Who Is Your Target Audience?

One of the essential things to consider when determining the length of your website content is your target audience. It is worth noting that the amount of content will greatly vary based on the type of business. Some topics might require lengthy content to convey the message or information, while others might need only a few words. Nevertheless, if you use too few words for your website content, then you might not be able to convey information of value to your audience effectively, thereby leaving your readers to feel cheated. On the other hand, increasing the amount of content can lead to overloading information, and your audience might miss out on the essential aspect of what you are trying to convey.

As such, you use only the required amount of words to convey the fundamental message or information. In this way, you will never disappoint your audience. 

How Much Content Does My Website Need?

From the above discussion, the answer to this question is quite straightforward. There is no problem with producing lengthy content for your website. We have also noted that websites with longer content were ranked-well organically. It means that search engines give importance to both quality and quantity. As such, you should also give importance to the quality of the content. Whatever the length is, your website content should contain valuable and insightful information for the target audience.


To sum up, there is no definite answer on how much content your website will need. Nonetheless, we believe that having longer content for your website would be better since Google takes quantity into account for SEO ranking. When determining the length of your website content, you should consider your target audience. Producing longer content can leave your audience confused and overloaded with information. On the other hand, short website content will lead you to miss out on important information of value.

As such, we can conclude that the more content you have on your website, the better will it be. However, you should ensure that your content is meaningful for your target audience.