How the 4-Day Week Suits Me

How the 4-Day Week Suits Me

Blue Whale Media is the first company I have worked at that incorporates a full working week over 4 days instead of 5; meaning a 3-day weekend. Having a 3-day weekend on a weekly basis gives you longer to enjoy your hobbies as well as more time to spend with friends and family. It gives you more opportunity to try new stuff that maybe you wouldn’t have time to if you’re working week spans more days.

A 4-day working week is also great for any staff events or team building as we can organise full days out on Fridays or even lunches which give more people a chance to be involved and participate.

The conversation of Britain moving more toward a 4-day working week is ever more prominent as a recent study shows that in 2022 more than 3,000 workers at 60 companies across Britain will trial a four-day working week, this is being considered the biggest pilot scheme to take place so far.

In conclusion, I feel that a 4-day working week is a great way to allow full-time staff to work their contracted hours and complete any/all work required whilst still allowing for a longer weekend to enjoy themselves.