How to Animate a Favicon within Most Browsers with JavaScript
In this instructional exercise, a GIF favicon is discussed. However, the rationale to animate a set of PNG images remains the same; you have to change the image format wherever required – SEO Warrington. Step 1: Extract All Frames in the Animated GIF. Extract all the frames within the animated GIF file and save them as individual images. These are the set of images you are supposed to circle over and show as favicon. You can use an online apparatus, for example, to explore an animated GIF. Blue Whale Media experts have everything it takes!
Include JavaScript
A small piece of JavaScript/jQuery will circle over the extracted images at regular intervals of time. The significant point is to note that you need to remove the favicon <link> labels first, and afterwards, re-insert it. Merely changing the href attribute won’t work. An always moving favicon is undoubtedly irritating for most users and hurts accessibility. When it’s only animated for a brief timeframe in response to a user action or a foundation event, for example, a page load, it can offer additional visual information. SEO Warrington is there to help enhance your user experience.
Create the <canvas> element
An animated favicon loader is a great instrument to visualize the progress of any action performed on a page, for example, file uploading or image processing. You can have a glance at the demo belonging to this instructional exercise on Github also. 1. Create the <canvas> element. To commence, SEO Warrington creates a canvas animation that draws a full circle, 100% altogether (this will be significant when we need to increment the circular segment). 2. Check if <canvas> is supported. We additionally need to check if the UA supports the canvas by ensuring that the drawing context item [ctx] exists and is not undefined.
Form the underlying variables
Let’s create three more global variables, s for the starting angle of the bend, tc for setInterval() timer id, and pct for the proportion value of the same time. When envisioning the stacking progress, we need the circle on the canvas. It’s drawn from the top position and not the default right. 4. Style the circle. With the drawing context substance, define the lineWidth and strokeStyle properties of the circle, you are going to attract the next step. The strokeStyle property represents its shading – SEO Warrington.
Draw the circle
You may add a tick event handler to the Load button [#lbtn], which triggers a setInterval timer of 60 milliseconds. That executes the capacity responsible for drawing the circle [updateLoader()] every 60ms till the circle is completely drawn. 6. Create the updateLoader() custom role. It’s time to create the custom updateLoader() work that will be referred by the setInterval() technique when the button is clicked. It’s when the event is triggered. The beginPath() method creates a new way for the drawing, and the stroke() method paints on that newly created way – SEO Warrington. Toward the end of the updateLoader() work, the percentage tally [pct] is incremented by 1, and before the increment, you check if it is equal to 100. The initial three parameters of the circular segment() method are the (x, y) coordinates of the centre of the bend and its span.
Include the favicon
In the updateLoader() work, first, you fetch the favicon utilizing the querySelector() method and assign it to the lnk variable. When you need to employ this canvas animation related to a stacking action in a web page, assign the updateLoader() work as the event handler for the progress() event of the action. In the circular segment() method, replace the percentage value [pct] with the loaded property of the event. It denotes the amount of the file has loaded, and in place of 100 uses the complete property of the ProgressEvent, which denotes the aggregate sum to be loaded – SEO Warrington. Searching for creative design and modern-day marketing, Blue Whale Media has everything it takes +44 1925 552050 or