How to incorporate social media content into website design
The best weapon for digital marketing is social media. It is the best platform to showcase your brand to users worldwide. Having a social media presence has never become so important as now. There are over 2 billion social media users, and reports tell us that the numbers will increase.
Before showing you how you can increase your users on your website, let us explain why social media is essential for a website to stand out amongst its competitors.
Why is social media integration important?
The first reason is that social media helps you accomplish your brand to increase its awareness. It helps to build a bigger platform of users on social media.
With the onset of the global pandemic, users have shifted to social media for communication and connectivity in recent times. The business landscape has changed, and a lot of free time allows the user to be online for a more extended period.
These are some of the reasons why integrating social media into your website design has become so important. With the ever-changing times, you may have to suit your users’ demanding needs at a constant pace.
With that being said, here are some simple strategies to integrate social media into web design.
1. Use hashtags in content
Like header tags and keywords in a blog or page of a website, hashtags play this substitute in social media profiles. It adds a bolder touch and is a useful design element for promoting your brand.
The size of a hashtag may look small and insignificant, but users notice its presence. Since they are for promotional purposes, hashtags do not need a significant placement in designs.
If you want to target your brand to a younger audience, then the need for hashtags becomes more important to connect with them.
2. Login to your website with social media accounts
Design your website to have access for users through their social media accounts. If your website requires the user to set up their logins, it is time to ditch this option. Do not make a long process of filling out forms to registering to your website. This process can easily bore people and make people skip out on joining too.
Many websites gain their users through promotions from social media. Asking the user to register with social media gives you an excellent opportunity to share specialised and personalised content for them. It will also increase the conversion rate for user registrations.
3. Easily share content to social media
We cannot stress to you enough how vital the content on your website needs to be shareable. Incorporate all your product and content pages to have social sharing buttons. This shareable allowance provides the customer to instantly share, save and pin your items if they like them. Moreover, they also become brand ambassadors indirectly when they share your products on their social media accounts. All websites need to embed the ability to share the page or post.
4. Embed YouTube videos
Videos on brands and products play an essential function to increase visitor’s time on a website page. It also improves conversion rates. It gives you the potential for earning amplification and increase the awareness drive for your website.
Moreover, embedding Youtube videos on your website will rank better in search engines. The videos can be an explainer video, tutorials, a message of your brand and information on your products. In this case, your web design and Youtube videos should go hand-in-hand.
5. Embed social media feeds and posts
You can embed social media feeds onto your website. These feeds will enhance your website design. Include the posts of users who support your brand through their social media accounts. It can be a simple hashtag or a short video of a few seconds but is enough to make your website instantly likeable and user- friendly.
Likewise, when you share your clients and supporters’ posts, they may return the favour by posting their content on your website. Motivating your users makes them build a good foundation for your brand, which will go a long way.
6. Integrate feedback/reviews
A feedback forum includes reviews of your product, negative and positive comments. There are many review pages of a brand on social media, especially on Facebook. People love voicing their opinions online and giving them a platform to do so will only increase your conversion rates.
The positive comments will encourage both you and users to boost your sales. New users rely on previous customer’s feedback to check if the product will suit their needs.
Negative comments, on the other hand, is also not a bad thing. Some criticisms can be entirely unnecessary, while those with constructive criticisms will offer you to work more for a consumer’s benefits. Identifying weak spots and trying them to improve will only gain you more positive feedbacks.
7. Promote collaborations & third party content
Collaborating with similar brand partners is a must for maintaining social etiquette. If you think a resource is content or trend is useful, do not hesitate to give shoutouts on your website and social media accounts. These shoutouts can encourage other brands to do the same thing for your website, helping garner more visitors to your website. If the other brand’s website has a more extensive following, it will also boost your traffic and audience.
Integrate social media as a tool to grow your web design to establish yourself as a legitimate business. Try to do some research and evaluate how each social media matches with the message that your brand carries. Think of social media and your website as a unified online space and not two separate platforms. Do not expect users to discover your brand only through your website and your social media account.
We hope that this article will help you incorporate the idea of social media in your web designs.