How To Identify Your Target Audience For SEO
Every digital marketer understands the massive importance of understanding and identifying your target audience for a successful marketing campaign. However, we also understand organic traffic cannot be targeted in the usual sense of an age, demographic, affinity etc. However, that does not mean it is impossible to identify a target audience for SEO. In this blog, I will explain how you can identify your own target audience to help with a targeted SEO marketing campaign.
Identify your existing customers
The first thing you can do is identify your existing customers from organic traffic. For an eCommerce website, you can easily identify the location and areas of your customers. Lead generation websites which may involve more communication with the client can reveal further details including the location as well as the age of the client etc.
From an SEO perspective, another important method of identifying your existing customers is to find the keywords that are already bringing in good traffic and conversions. These keywords can be used to show where your customers are in their journey, how customers act differently depending on where they are in their journey etc. For instance, a website may find their ‘buying’ keywords is driving high traffic and conversions, so they know their target audience is at the end of their customer journey and are ready to purchase. Other websites may find their target audience is more in a research/awareness stage of their journey, so they may find more success in informative/general keywords around their products and services.
Create a customer persona
Creating a customer persona is a great method of identifying your average customer and your target audience as a whole. A customer persona consists of many key points of your average customer to create a general audience. An example of a customer persona can include their position/role in a company (for b2b), demographics such as age, gender, location, education, marital and salary. It can also include exactly what the customer is looking for and how your company achieves what they are looking for depending on each persona.
Identify your selling point
Your unique selling point is what makes you stand out from your competitors. By identifying your unique selling point, you can also identify the type of audience you are determined to attract to your website over your competitor’s. For example, as a website design company focused on B2B clients, we also sometimes find ourselves in competition on the SERPs with freelance website designers who will be targeting more of a B2C audience, or 1-man companies and start-ups. With our unique selling points which caters to a B2B audience, we also want to cater some of our keywords to target this type of audience. With this, a generic “web design” keyword can be turned into “business web design”, “professional web design” etc. Whereas a freelancer for B2C clients would turn their keyword into “cheap web design”, “freelance web design” etc.