What is a work-based learning course
A work-based learning course is a course that will be done in your workplace. A tutor will come in a visit once or twice a month, and coursework will need to be done for units to be signed off. Sometimes exams are involved which will also take place in the workplace alongside your tutor.
How to choose the right course for you
Choosing the right course for you is very important as this will be the course you will be doing for the next year or two. Selecting a workplace course is usually a course that is based around the job role you are in which will help widen your knowledge of the job you are doing or a course that will help you to progress within the company if a new job title comes up. It is always a good idea to have a look around at what is available and the workload that is included in as you need to make sure that you will have enough time alongside your day to day job to complete the work that is required in order to be able to pass the course.
Completing the course
Once your course time is up you would have completed a work booklet which you would have completed each unit and possibly a few online tests. Your tutor will come and assess the booklet with you and tick off the units completed. This will then get passed to an examiner to be evaluated and marked thoroughly. If you have passed the course you were on a certificate will be sent to the workplace stating so, sometimes there will be some tweaks that will need to be completed before the unit can be signed off which your tutor will notify you about.
Why it is helpful completing a course
Within any workplace, there may be a time for improvement, promotion or new job opportunities knowing of a course that can help you move forward in the company or the job you are doing. If the course is based on your current job role then it is always good to know your job to the best of your ability. This is so you have more understanding and if there is a new starter in the company who is also doing the same or similar work as you. You can train them to the best of your and their ability. The more knowledge you have of your job role will make it easier to pass over to a new starter.
New colleague starting
When a new colleague starts the business, it is exciting for the whole team as this means the company and organisation are expanding. Any new colleague will need training whether this is from higher management or someone that they will be working alongside. At Blue Whale Media we currently had a new starter who is working along side myself as an account manager with him being new to the company and workload he has had continuous training on everything we use as well as all our clients as our role at Blue Whale Media is working closely with all our clients.
Why training is important
Within any company when someone new starts they have to have support and training and cannot just jump into the job role and expect to know everything. Throughout the time at Blue Whale Media continuous training is supplied as new programmes may be introduced or someone would expand their knowledge on an area that could help them improve in their job. Online courses are supplied to help which relates to certain individuals in a workplace so they can keep up to date with anything new that arises which could help relay to a client if needed.
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