My Apprenticeship at Blue Whale Media – Lauren Johnson
I started at Blue Whale Media at the beginning of October 2020 as an apprentice. My day to day role was as a Junior Web Developer but my apprenticeship was in Digital Marketing. This has given me the opportunity to learn both website development and marketing. Doing an Apprenticeship in Digital Marketing was a good opportunity for me, since I work for a digital marketing agency.
My course covered a lot of modules that are all a part of digital marketing, this included Search Engine Optimisation, Email marketing, Social Media marketing and much more. It also had elements of wordpress development which I enjoyed as it linked my in house role with my coursework. These different modules have given me an overview of what other staff members at Blue Whale Media do on a daily basis and the challenges they face.
Doing any apprenticeship will help you to learn and develop different skills. I have had the chance to develop my creativity skills, as my assignments required me to come up with and showcase new ideas. I have also had to work on my analytical ability, as one of my apprenticeship campaigns was SEO based so I had to analyse and discuss the statistical results of the campaign. There are many other skills that I have worked on throughout my apprenticeship, including written, communication and attention to detail.
I have now completed my apprenticeship and I am continuing to work at Blue Whale Media as a Web Developer. I am still developing my skills within my role. I am now looking to further my skills by starting a new apprenticeship at a higher level.