How Brands Can Leverage Pinterest To Make Sales
Over time Pinterest has become a place where you are able to save images to boards for ideas that you might want to do in the future. Pinterest has now become the worlds largest visual discovery platform. This has allowed brands and companies like ourselves to use Pinterest in ways to promote our brand, and it has become an excellent marketing tool.
Why Pinterest
Over 90% of the top searches on Pinterest are unbranded. This makes a great place to be branding your own business on a platform where there isn’t much competition. But you should do this in the right way. Pinterest has said you should add a small logo in one of the four corners of your pin. This can be done quickly, and this is what we do for most of our pins. We usually put our logo in the corners, but you can play around with your pin designs and make it fit wherever you want.
Have a design in mind
When it comes to anything that is going to be posted on the internet, you need to think about how your pins are going to seen on different devices. For example, 85% of people who use Pinterest are using it on their phone, which means that you should be designing your pins mainly for mobile devices. You also need to think about your text size and if you are going to link your pins. You need to make sure that that the text isn’t too small so it is still readable on smaller screens. If you are linking your pin, you need to make sure that your website is also mobile-friendly. If you need a mobile-friendly website, seek the best web design London services.
Have a style
Having your images looking relateable to your site is also important. You don’t want people clicking on a nice picture, and then link goes to a slow and old website. This is why when we post something on our website, we make sure it looks like something we have designed. This will help you build your brand image. By keeping a similar design to the rest of your other content will look better than something that isn’t in your branding.
Create a shop
A good thing that you can use Pinterest is to make your products and services available through Pinterest. Pinterest has already made this available for you. They have also made it really easy to use, so you are able to set up and feature on your profile. This is called the shop tab. This is a tab where people can see all of the products that you are currently selling. With these pins, I would use links that would directly be sent back to my website, so people can then buy my products.
Pinterest makes this process easy to usable, and they also have a method for importing new products through Pinterest Catalogs. This is easily done. All you need is to have your data source approved, your new products on your website. Pinterest then automatically add your products to their catalogues.