How Many Blogs Should I Be Posting on My Website?

Business blogging has become the order of the day when it comes to improving website visibility. Well written, fresh and original content that captures the attention of your visitors while improving your search rankings is crucial to the success of your website.

Our website design agency in Manchester offers you a one-of-a-kind experience in digital marketing that’s sure to set your business soaring. You are assured of improved rankings should you get in touch with our website design Manchester agency.

How Often Should You Blog?

When your goal is to gain exposure and improve search engine visibility, irregular blogging or posting once in a blue moon will not work. Weekly blogging should be ideal to ensure your readers have your brand at the top of their minds.

Unless you have high quality content, avoid posting every day. Poor quality content can prove fatal since readers do not prefer too much ‘noise’. Readers can cut off ties with your website. So be judicious about your publishing schedule. Emphasise on delivering quality content to your audience rather than on the quantity. This is the only way to garner readership.

Short crisp updates are better than lengthy, unending and boring posts. Readers do not have the time or the patience to read through a lengthy post.  Frequent short blogs are better than long and infrequent ones so you don’t bore the readers.

Our website design Manchester team provides complete content management services where we can write as well as publish high quality posts to your blog on a regular basis.

Tips for Successful Blogging

A lot of marketers are worried about staying consistent. Writing the first few blogs is not an issue, but regularly blogging week after week might become too much of a task. Fret not, for our website design Manchester team can manage your blog for you so you can focus on your business operations.

If you choose to write your blogs yourself, here are some tips that will go a long way in increasing your website’s visibility.

Posting Schedule

Maintaining a posting schedule – whether it is thrice a week or once a week – is crucial to keep the readers’ interest alive in your blog. Your writing schedule will also depend on the kind of content you plan to offer to your audience.  

Be Consistent

Whatever it is that you want to put forth to your readers, be consistent. Airing your views consistently increases readership and traffic to your website, which will ultimately aid in the growth of your business.


Make a commitment to provide your readers with something nice and useful, say weekly. Once you’ve made a commitment, see that you stick to it so your readership doesn’t go down. The target audience should await your content on that given day and time and they are more likely to share your articles with others.

Useful Content

Focus on how relevant and useful your blog is. This will make your readers come back for more, which will lead to improved traffic, leads and business.

Get in Touch with Blue Whale Media – An Expert Website Design Manchester Agency

We are a reputed a website design in Manchester with years of experience. We build stunning websites to impress your prospects. We specialise in digital marketing and are here to help you achieve your online goals. Contact us on 01925 552 050 or write to us at [email protected] to partner with us.

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