Micro-Interactions as the Best Way to Achieve Great UX Design

Though it is not something noticeable, micro-interactions actually play a big role in the modern technologies we have today. You can find micro-interactions in every application installed in your device. You encounter them the moment you wake up using the alarm and even just by simply liking one of your friend’s Facebook post. Usually, its purpose is to make the device engaging for the user and make their everyday interaction more humane.

As Digital Product Designers, Website Design Warrington is actually thinking about how to effectively use micro-interactions to plan a user-friendly web design. While doing all the design needed to build new things, Website Design Warrington simultaneously looks out for something new just to surprise and bring delight to every user. A little animation and a place for feedbacks within most designs actually make an enhanced user experience.

What is Micro-Interaction?

Micro-Interactions are the points where the user and the design of a website or an application interact. If the micro-interactions are properly planned, the user experience is more amplified. However, when the design is poor, user experience will also decline.

While it is true that micro-interactions are only a small part of an application, it actually has four parts to make it work:

● Triggers—this is what starts off the micro-interactions. There are two types of triggers: the user-initiated trigger where the user is the one to initiate the action, and the system-initiated trigger wherein certain qualifications must be met first by software before the action is initiated.
● Rules—this is the factor that decides what happens next once the micro-interaction is triggered.
● Feedback—anything that the user hears or sees in a micro-interaction is called a Feedback.
● Loops and Modes—these determine what happens next to a micro-interaction once that the conditions needed are not met but are changed instead.

What are Micro-Interactions considered the best way to achieve a great UX Design?

In the midst of designing a product, the main goal— which is to change human behaviour— is often forgotten. Website Design Warrington usually designs products that aim to be ranked on the first page of a search engine’s result. To make this happen, the design must make the users use the product repeatedly. From the repeated use, a habit might be formed, which also serves as a key to human behaviour. To form a habit, micro-interactions are utilized.

Focusing on the details of a product will help find great opportunities to incorporate micro-interaction into the design. While it is true that the features are what brings a user closer to the product, the details of it is what makes the user stay. If the micro-interaction incorporated into the details steers the attention of the users away from the workflow, then something is definitely out of place.

At a relatively low cost, micro-interactions help increase the engagement of the users to the products. If the design reaches its goals all the while providing amusement on the process, then the result will most likely satisfy the users more than what you could have imagined. Website Design Warrington plans to incorporate micro-interactions just to keep the users coming back and make the designs successful.


Micro-Interactions can help the users save time while providing all the information they needed. If the user gets engaged with all the information provided on the product without being bored and distracted, then micro-interactions will surely be a big help to improve the UX Design of the product.

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