The logo reveal in the Transformers series is the main reason I decided to learn how to use Cinema 4D. The 3d element combined with the exceptional visual effects make an awe for people that don’t understand the work that usually goes into a piece, never mind someone who does.
Something a I am yet to divulge into would be CGI. Deadpool’s marvellous title sequence is a fantastic piece of motion graphics crossed with CGI and it is something that I would like to attempt in the future as I am determined to further adapt my skills.
In my opinion the best TV series I have ever watched, however the title sequence has become something quite iconic with its simplicity of advertising London and is really effective in the way it subtly portrays the characters.
Call of Duty
As I have stated before, I began editing when I was 11 and obviously it was never taught to me at this high of a standard in the first years of high school, therefore I consider myself as self-taught. I began playing Call of Duty as a kid and then decided to watch videos of people playing properly online. I used to enjoy watching and began editing clips for people and got really good at it!
YouTube was the place I learned my trade, tutorials have helped me through life and still help me to this day. However, every youtuber back in the day had their own personalised intro which contained their logo and their name. I enjoyed creating these for relatively big youtubers and enjoyed making them for my own YouTube channel as well.
All this is what inspires me when I’m creating crazy motion graphics for Blue Whale Media and our clients! Check out our animation service or call us on 01925 552050!
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