Using Images To Improve Your Marketing Campaign

Over the past few years, social media has developed massively and staying updated with the latest trends is essential for your social media’s success. the biggest trend that I have seen at the moment is more image-centric marketing rather than text-based social posts. This is because, between 65% and 85% of people describe themselves as visual learners. This means that they receive information better by seeing something visual instead of reading text. By understanding this concept, it will help you to optimise your social media campaign which will give you more of an edge.

Eye Catching

On social media you need to be able to have you attractive visual content, because people only have a limited attention span. Information can become overwhelming and people pick and choose among plenty of content options which are all trying to get your attention. This has resulted in people skimming through the content looking for the right content for them.

This is why you need an attractive image as your social post. It is the best way to grab attention and is a great way to encourage engagement to your content and will make users stay and keep up to date with the content you post.

Using Colour

By using images, you will be able to use a line of text that doesn’t look boring. Using a image will make it more visually attractive to your user which will help you get your point across better.

Improve SEO

Practicing effective SEO tactics and strategies is important for your online marketing initiative, everything you do for your will benefit. To boost your SEO using social media is by adding a few pictures to each post with the right alt and meta tags.

To do this you will need to include the image file name, as well as a title, the alt and description tags. By labelling these tags, will help the Google index to figure out how useful and relevant your content is. When creating and posting content to your social media take full advantage of whatever tagging system and hashtags they offer.


Instagram is personally my favourite platform to use. I use it for gathering ideas, posting content, and finding new relevant content to follow. It has been very popular for individuals and businesses to share pictures with their audience.

It’s even better to start posting images if your competitors don’t use the platform. This just gives a bigger audience that your competitors don’t have. Because we are quite a visually company with creating websites and videos, that shouldn’t stop you using Instagram. You could post event that you might attend or what is going on in the office. Just add some personality to your company.