Work Experience Blog

I have been completing work experience at Blue Whale Media since October 18th, I have enjoyed it at Blue Whale Media and have been given many different tasks to do, some tasks like adding the products were difficult the first time as it was nothing that I had done before but now that I have done it a few times it is a lot easier now.

Promotional Statuses

At Blue Whale Media I have been given many tasks, one of these tasks is promotional statuses. These statuses mainly go on Facebook. These have ranged from statuses for the Blue Whale Media website to statuses for clients. These statuses can range from anything to do with promoting a business by writing about things like services that they offer or limited time offers/discounts to do with the services they offer, and the aim of the services is to get as many sales for the business and build their social media presence in general. Other statuses could consist of recent blogs that have been posted and the statuses could consist of a snippet of the blog to intrigue the reader and so then they follow the link to read the full blog and possibly explore the company’s services.


While being at Blue Whale Media, another task I have been given to do is write blogs. These blogs have consisted of writing blogs about what I’ve done at work experience, my interests and a topic that I was passionate about. One example was that I wrote a blog about emerging technology to do with things like artificial intelligence and augmented reality etc as technology is a topic, I am passionate about and emerging technology is something I am fascinated by.


Another thing I have been doing at Blue Whale Media is that I was given the task of adding products to client’s websites. I did this by adding all of the required product information onto WordPress, for some products I had to edit images to make them a certain size so that the products have a product image. The information I had to enter on the website consisted of product name, description price etc. This was kind of difficult when I first added products, but it got progressively easier and now it is easy to do. And can do without issue.

Facebook Invites

One of the other tasks that I have been tasked with at Blue Whale Media is Facebook invites, my task was to go on to Facebook and invite people to like the Blue Whale Media Facebook and also client Facebook page based on user interaction with the posts on the page. This boosts social performance and also allows people to like a page they have an interest in which could also boost sales for the business/client.


A task that I have been given a few times is to find quotes (typically business related) to put on social media. I did this by Googling quotes by business people like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs etc. These can be used for inspirational posts on social media pages and as something to get user interaction on social media.

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