Don’t Hide Your Most Important Content on Mobile
With more and more users relying on smartphones for finding information, responsive websites have become the norm.
Ever since “Mobilegeddon” – when Google began giving preference to mobile friendly websites – happened, responsive websites have become all the more important.
Don’t have a responsive website yet? Speak to our Manchester web design team today.
Content and Design
We have been designing responsive websites ever since responsive design entered the scene.
However, there’s a crucial decision that we always have to make when it comes to condensing the design. There’s way too much stuff sometimes that has to be condensed, and we have to decide what elements to leave from the smartphone version and what to keep.
Enter Google
Google has been emphasising in no unclear terms that mobile indexing is the future.
They are updating their algorithm such that they look at your mobile content before even considering the desktop content when ranking your website.
What Does that Mean for Web Design?
Well, it means what we have always believed – content is king.
It means that when making cuts for the mobile version of your responsive website, your web designer should be keeping your content intact. The emphasis on bells and whistles should be less and more on the content itself.
After all, Google’s bots read your content to determine if your website is relevant for a particular search phrase. And if you chop off your content, especially the SEO optimised sections, it’s difficult to rank.
And that is something we have always been doing.
We Design for Mobile First
When designing your mobile friendly website, we retain all the content – all the words that describe your business, what you do, your products and services – and drop the extra slides or photos in the mobile version.
After all, people are looking for content to be able to make an informed decision. Sure, you need the bells and whistles to attract attention. That’s why we retain them in the desktop version. However, when it comes to mobile devices, the emphasis is on providing value. The landscape of SEO has been rapidly changing ever since the advent of smartphones into our lives, It is inevitable then that we adapt to the changing times.
Are you looking to get a stunning mobile friendly website for your business? Looking for an experienced web design agency in Manchester? Contact Blue Whale Media today.
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