How to Use Graphic Design to Boost conversion for your website
Technology is making everything possible in today’s generation. Even without a graphic designing degree, you can pretty much create optimized graphics for making a killer campaign or for furthering your lead generating plans.
With creatives becoming important in promotional campaigns, graphics are increasingly seen as a crucial part of the marketing strategy. Graphic design is an integral part of our website design in Warrington as well. A website will look dull without all the graphics
that enhance the design. In today’s generation of advanced technology, graphics can increase your conversion rates, increase the performance of your site’s content, and generate leads.
There are ways in which you can increase your online conversion rates. Performing surveys and creating offers can improve your conversion rate, but improving your website design is one of the most effective of them all.
Having conversion is mandatory for running a business because, without it, you will have no customers. Turning your website into a lead conversion magnet will help your business succeed in acquiring new customers and retaining loyal customers. When we talk about turning visitors into conversions, it means that your site is making potential customers making a purchase or subscribing to your email list.
Prioritize the Design of your Website
When designing a website, looks are not everything, but they play a crucial role. The website’s graphic design plays a determining factor in the credibility of your business for the visitors. To let your visitors have a positive experience, the design of your site has to be appealing. When visitors have a good experience while they visit your website, they will be more likely to become customers.
The color choice of your website is also an important part of the designing process. Colors have always played an important role in the marketing and product choices of the consumers. Studies show that a large percentage of consumers purchase the product based on its color.
Likewise, the color of your website will also determine if visitors will return. Choose appealing and relevant color combinations while designing your website. The colors of your website should reflect your brand image and evoke the experience you want your target audience to feel.
Use Graphic Design Techniques to Optimize your Customer’s Experience
We live in a world where a majority of our time is spent on the phone. More than half of your site visitors are accessing your website on their mobile devices. For making your visitors have a good experience, your website needs to be optimized for access from all screen sizes. With the help of graphic design, you can easily access all the Call to action buttons in a single touch.
If you understand how users view your web page, it can help you create the best layout for your pages. Most viewers go through the website following an F pattern. Reading in an F pattern means that the reader will start from the top left, followed by the top right and moving on to the middle part. The top left corner of your website will be the first part of the page where the viewer will look at so make this part appealing. Make sure that your page is able to create a great first impression with attractive designs and informative content.
Use Visual Hierarchy to tell a story
Similar to the F pattern, using a visual hierarchy in your graphic design process increases your site visitors’ interests. Considering how visitors take information based on the visual hierarchy will also allow you to add core content that connects with the audience.
When you implement a visual hierarchy on your web pages, you guide the user’s thought patterns. The contents of your site encourage the decision of your potential customers because they are being told a story through the visuals. Take note of how the content is positioned on the page and then add a strong headline with supporting contents comprising a mix of images and texts.
In order to market your online presence better, your website should be able to tell people about your brand story.
Find the best use of what you have
One important principle used in graphic designing is determining the best area of the web page to place the key contents. When you are making the best use of the spaces on your page, you create an appealing layout which the viewers will be instantly drawn to.
Another way to make your website more attractive is to create white space. White space is the space surrounding the images and other graphical elements of your website. Do not try to fill these negative spaces as it will only create a cluttered look for your site, which will turn away visitors. When the design of your site is clean and easy to read, users can navigate the information more effectively.
Simplify the navigation and use robust CTA buttons
When your visitors are able to navigate around the information on your site better, then there are more chances for them to take action. Letting your visitors have an ease of use by implementing intuitive navigation will allow them to get what they came looking for. By giving users the ability to navigate through your site easily, you are increasing the potentials of conversion.
When users want to initiate a conversion, they use the Call to Action buttons (CTA). The greater your CTA buttons design are, the greater will be your conversion rate. Many studies show that CTA buttons consisting of orange, red, or green colors attract the highest conversion rates. These studies are further validated by the fact that a user’s eyes will be drawn towards bright colors.
Using images to drive traffic
For any business, having images on the website creates an impact on the reliability of your business. If you are a product-based or an e-commerce site, then images will play an integral part in the conversion rate. The images of the products which you upload on your site should be clear and precise. Giving alternative views of the products can be a huge advantage in convincing your potential customers.
The customer can count on the product’s reliability as they can experience a close-up view of the products and get all-sides views. Uploading photos of events hosted by your business or special events can also increase people’s trust.
You can use many graphic design tactics to design your website and optimize conversion. But, you should follow a minimal rule and not clutter your website with too much content. Your website design should be able to communicate your brand’s image and highlight what your business provides in the best way. By following these techniques, you will have a better chance of increasing the conversion rate of your website.