A guide on how to implement responsive website design

A Guide On Implementing Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design is super popular nowadays, especially because of its ability to boost site traffic. We are all aware that your site’s content is crucial; however, the layout is also another vital component. We have to realise that the display of your content for fitting the device is extremely important. Since most of the global population is surfing the internet through their mobile phones and tablets, a responsive web design is required. We will be listing and discussing some of its tricks today.

Understanding Its Concept

Responsive web design consists of creating a site design, which automatically fits and responds to the viewer’s environment. It is not about creating numerous custom designs that complement every user group. For instance, a user might be trying to surf something on your site through their iPhone. Here, if that site features an responsive web design, the user will have an easy time navigating and understanding your site.

Technical Issues

Here are some of the challenges a responsive web design faces during the process:

Asset Management: Yes, there won’t be any issues scaling down bigger images and media for fitting small devices. But there is a challenge in tackling slow website speed, and page bloating that may come with compressing media.

Testing: We notice some trouble testing all the responsive web design sites on every varying device on which there might be access.

Content: Are the users looking at a website via a smartphone who wants the exact stuff as the other users using the full website on a computer? The challenges lie in the difference in content serving between devices.

Pixel Density: How are the web developers producing content, which looks equally great on the HiDPI large computer screens as it does on the smaller devices with 150 DPI pixel densities?

Perfect View

The browsing experience of end-users in responsive web design is perfectly rendered for them to view. Regardless of the device type, an responsive web design site never fails to keep up with the users and their varying devices.

Importance of Content

You can start creating the website by approaching your content first. You can begin with the mobile content, which means that you need to only insert the required elements for your device to succeed. After that, you can insert additional components once the browser begins to increase in size. We encourage you to use the content as the starting point, including the flexible layouts that are grid-based.

Implementing CSS

CSS consists of a media query that is utilized for checking specific conditions and applying varying styles according to the conditions that the query returns. Google also uses these media queries for detecting if your website possesses a mobile version setting. It can also add resizing elements, hide, and reveal content.

Implementing JavaScript

Sometimes CSS may not be enough for the job. Here, you can use JavaScript to complete the work for you. It helps change your website’s flow and repositioning elements based on the device’s size on which it is being shown. It is specifically relevant with pictures since there is no regular method of serving varying-sized pictures across varying devices.

Implementing RESS

RESS or Responsive Web Design with Server-Side Components consists of a technique to apply responsive web design. It also assists in combating the drawback of utilizing JavaScript. Through RESS, the used device ends up being detected even before the page starts loading.

It results in optimized content and pictures served only for that specific device. It allows the elements to be repositioned or hidden without jumping onto any browser as the page starts loading. Plus, there is also a reduction in the bandwidth amount.

Testing Investment

After you plan your responsive web design, you will need to test its performance. You can do so in two ways. First, you can start developing a device lab that is well-stocked. It should offer sufficient samples for representing the present device market. Secondly, you can utilize a desktop emulator for mimicking the user experience of tablets and smartphones.

Google Friendly

Your responsive web design isn’t just beneficial for your users, but you will come across an array of SEO benefits as well. There won’t be any content duplication problems, and you will enjoy enhanced crawling efficiency. Plus, there isn’t any reliance on the user agents concerning redirection.

Cost Justification

By creating and owning one codebase, you don’t have to maintain multiple codebases for every device during your website’s entire time. So, it helps cut down the costs, in the long run, allowing you to save money.